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Don Gossett: Living without Fear

Don Gossett: Living without Fear

Book / 156 Pages

7,48 €

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How to Conquer Fear

What do you fear? The loss of a job, illness or disease, your children´s future, lack of finances, the threat of war, death, hell, or worse?
Fear produces many negative emotions, including: torment, misery, defeat, destruction, and bondage.

But, you can stop the spirit of fear and live in true peace and confidence. As you grasp these scriptural truths, you can:

-Learn where fear comes from.
-Silence negative emotions.
-Overcome the fear of death.
-Increase your faith and courage.
-Learn how Job overcame that wich he feared.
-Tear down insecurities and doubts.
-Obtain freedom from fear.

Discover for yourself how to conquer fear once and for all!


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