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Annette Capps: The Spirit of Prophecy

Annette Capps: The Spirit of Prophecy

Annette Capps - 3 CD-Series

18,91 €

Wir versenden nach Israel, Russian Federation (the), United States of America (the), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Per International 1 für 4,00 €


3 CD Series by Annette Capps. I have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to offer these teachings which were recorded several years ago.  As I listened to them again, I understood that the anointing in these meetings is as important as the message that the Holy Spirit had given, and is very relevant for what is happening today.

Some of the topics covered were:

  • Musicians, psalmists, and prophecy
  • Prophecy and prayer
  • The true purpose of prophecy


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